
Chemical properties of iron oxide red

点击次数:   更新时间:20/05/08 09:15:05     来源:www.sdyhthyl.com关闭分    享:

Iron oxide red is a brown-red chemical product. Many products used in the pigment industry can be dissolved in hydrochloric acid. Many people are interested in the chemical properties of iron oxide red products. Let's take a look.

1. Iron oxide red reacts with acid to form iron salt and water;

2, aluminothermic reaction

3. Aluminum and iron oxide red are mixed to form an aluminizing agent, which generates alumina and iron after heating;

4. Carbon reduction

5, iron oxide red can be mixed with carbon and heated, iron and carbon dioxide are extracted.

6. Chemical formula: 3C + 2Fe2O3 = high temperature = 3CO + 4Fe

7. It will decompose into ferric oxide and oxygen under high temperature.

The above is the introduction of the chemical properties of iron oxide red. If you want to learn more about the product of iron oxide red, you can continue to pay attention to us.

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