
Iron oxide red antirust function

点击次数:   更新时间:20/05/08 09:16:05     来源:www.sdyhthyl.com关闭分    享:

Iron oxide red, as a more commonly used pigment, is still more commonly used in our lives. Due to its excellent use properties, its use in various industries is gradually expanding, but many people do not know that it also has rust-proof function. Let's learn about it together.

In fact, most of the main components of anti-rust paint are iron oxide red. Iron oxide pigments are not toxic and will not cause bleeding. They are used in coatings and paints.

Iron oxide pigments used in coatings include iron oxide yellow, iron oxide red, iron brown, iron black, mica iron oxide, transparent iron yellow, transparent iron red, and translucent products. Among them, the large amount of iron must be counted as iron. Red powder.

The iron-red water soluble salt used for anti-rust paint should be low, which is conducive to the advance of anti-rust function. When the chloride ion is increased, the water will simply penetrate into the coating, and it will also slow down the corrosion of the metal. In addition, the metal is very sensitive to acidity, so the resin, pigment, or solvent, etc. in the coating, when the pH value is below 7, when the acidity is strong, it is easier to promote metal corrosion, and the iron red paint coating is briefly powdered after temporary exposure. Ironing phenomenon, the iron oxide red with a smaller particle size is faster, so to improve the weather resistance, iron oxide red with a larger particle size should be selected, but it also simply reduces the gloss of the coating.

We should know about the anti-rust function of iron oxide red. If you encounter any problems during actual use, you can consult us.

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